Monday, June 29, 2009

Practice makes perfect:)

On Friday night we headed to the chapel for rehearsal. Kailyn was so excited to be Auntie Libby's flower girl!!! Before we left the house, Ryan and I practiced with Kailyn down the hallway, with the practice petals and basket from Chad and Libby. Ryan even demonstrated how to be a great flower girl. Well, needless to say, she caught on fast and did great at rehearsal!
Kailyn's new best friend, Mason. She believed that they were getting married too!!!!
She used up all the petals in her basket before she even got down to the front:)
The happy couple, ready to go!!

1 comment:

  1. She looked so adorable in her flower girl dress. You did an awesome job on her hair. And so so proud of what a great job she did going down the aisle! :)
