Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cold Weather Learning!

While the wind and snow blows outside, we are staying warm inside with our hot chocolate cafe! I set up this cocoa cafe, as we call it, for the kids downstairs....I was inspired by my "Organize January Now!" Mailbox book! The cash register has been a hit and so has counting out the marshmallows per the "customers" request:) I had a big Swiss Miss container that was almost gone, so I put our cocoa (brown paper shreds) in there!
I used the kids' first initials to name our cafe!
Kailyn counting out the 3 marshmallows that I ordered on my cocoa.Trying to work together while they take my payment....this part doesn't always go so well!
These penguins turned out too cute not to include in a post....so here they are! I used them with our "p" learning and polar animals theme!


  1. I found your blog through ABC and 123. This idea is so adorable...I think we may have to try it soon! I love your blog!

  2. aaw what a great idea! Definately going to try something similar soon!
    Please stop by my blog if you get a chance x
