Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sit long, talk much.....

You know how when old friends get together, it's like no time has passed at all since you have seen them last? That's exactly how it is with my friend and old teaching buddy, Kristina. Our oldest girls are only 6 weeks apart and the younger two (which were both surprises) are a little over 2 months apart. We were able to have a playdate today, because everyone was finally healthy (except Will who continues to have a runny nose!). Anyway, we were able to play in the basement and talk. We also made valentine's cookies and for lunch we made their PB&J's little hearts:) The kids all ate really well, I guess that's a sign that we played hard. After a little over an hour downstairs the kids were ready to do something different, so we gave them paper, crayons, heart stampers, and stickers and that kept them busy for another 20 minutes while we got lunch together:)
The bouncy balls were a hit for the last few minutes and now I think Kristina is going to have to get one for Erika's birthday - she loved it!

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